Pericardial space - Erler Zimmer 3D anatomy...
Pericardial space - Erler Zimmer 3D anatomy...
Pericardial space - Erler Zimmer 3D anatomy...
Pericardial space - Erler Zimmer 3D anatomy...
Pericardial space - Erler Zimmer 3D anatomy...
Pericardial space - Erler Zimmer 3D anatomy...
Pericardial space - Erler Zimmer 3D anatomy...
Pericardial space - Erler Zimmer 3D anatomy Series MP1121
Pericardial space - Erler Zimmer 3D anatomy Series MP1121
Pericardial space - Erler Zimmer 3D anatomy Series MP1121
Pericardial space - Erler Zimmer 3D anatomy Series MP1121
Pericardial space - Erler Zimmer 3D anatomy Series MP1121
Pericardial space - Erler Zimmer 3D anatomy Series MP1121
Pericardial space - Erler Zimmer 3D anatomy Series MP1121

Pericardial space - Erler Zimmer 3D anatomy Series MP1121

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Made in ultra-high resolution 3D printing in full color.


Pericardial space - Erler Zimmer 3D anatomy Series MP1121

This model is part of the exclusive Monash 3D anatomy series, a comprehensive series of human dissections reproduced with ultra-high resolution color 3D printing.

In this specimen, the heart itself was removed to demonstrate the parietal peritoneal reflections and orientation of the heart relative to other structures, including the diaphragm (diaphragmatic surface) and lungs (left and right lung surfaces). The pericardium is the multilayered fibrous sac that encloses the heart and is continuous with the visceral serous pericardium (epicardium) of the heart itself. In the normal anatomical position, the boundaries of the parietal pericardium are also the boundaries of the middle mediastinum (what we call the coterminal). The inner surface of the parietal peritoneum has been falsely colored to help identify the regions of the heart that are normally located in these parts of the middle mediastinum.

The base of the heart is roughly rectangular and protrudes superiorly and posteriorly (anterior to the hilum of the lungs). It can be seen on the model as the most posterior surface left by the imprint of the heart. It consists of the left atrium (pink) (and to a lesser extent the right atrium [blue-green]) and the proximal parts of the great vessels (red and blue) that enter and exit the heart. This is also the "fixed" region of the heart, anchoring the heart through the origins of the great vessels where they reflect and continue the visceral and parietal serous pericardium. The transverse pericardial sinus (clinically relevant for some cardiac surgery procedures) is visible between the pulmonary arteries (red) and the bases of the superior vena cava, pulmonary trunk and ascending aorta. Inferior to the pulmonary veins,

From the base, the heart protrudes anteriorly, inferiorly and toward the left side of the chest. The most inferior and lateral point is the apex. The apex is formed by the inferolateral part of the left ventricle (yellow) and is normally located in the left fifth intercostal space along the hemiclavicular line.

Within the mediastinum, the heart rests on the diaphragmatic surface, consisting mainly of the left ventricle (and to a lesser extent the right ventricle [light green]). This is the most inferior aspect of the heart and is separated from the base (the posterior surface) by the coronary sinus. It extends from the base of the heart to its apex. In the model it is the area just anterior and inferior to the ostium of the inferior vena cava.
The lung surfaces are the wide and convex right and left lateral sides of the heart. The left lung surface is reflected on the left lung and consists mainly of the left ventricle. The right lung surface is reflected on the right lung and consists of the right atrium.
The heart also has an anterior surface that consists mainly of the right ventricle with some right atrium on the right and left ventricle on the left. In this model, this surface cannot be appreciated as it has been dissected down to the anterior surface. The portion of the pericardium that can be seen reflected on either side would have covered, in part the anterior surface before being reflected.

Great Vessels
The aorta carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the systemic circulation. It begins as the ascending aorta and originates from the aortic orifice at the base of the left ventricle of the heart. The left and right coronary arteries branch immediately above the aortic orifice from the left and right aortic sinuses, respectively, to supply the heart muscle itself. The vessel moves superiorly to the level of the second right costal cartilage, the sternal angle, and is thus referred to as the arch of the aorta. It becomes the descending or thoracic aorta when the arch moves inferiorly to the T4 vertebral level. It extends to the T12 level and supplies much of the thorax.
The superior vena cava is a large vein formed mainly by the union of the right and left brachiocephalic veins. It drains directly into the right atrium at the SVC ostium, carrying a significant portion of deoxygenated blood from the upper body.
The inferior vena cava is another major vein that drains much of the deoxygenated blood from the lower part of the body, with many tributaries contributing to it throughout the trunk. It drains directly into the right atrium of the IVC ostium.

pulmonary The pulmonary trunk arises from the right ventricle of the heart. It bifurcates to give rise to the left and right midline pulmonary arteries just below the T4/5 vertebral level and the arch of the aorta. These carry deoxygenated blood to the lungs, entering at the root of the lung in the hilum.
There are four pulmonary veins in total. An upper and lower pulmonary vein on each side, left and right. They carry oxygenated blood from the lung, starting at the hilum and passing through the root of the lung, to the left atrium of the heart.

Transverse and oblique pericardial sinus
The transverse sinus can be described as the common point of the parietal and visceral pericardium. This lies below the aorta and pulmonary trunk and depicts a tunnel.
In contrast to the tunneled transverse sinus, the oblique pericardial sinus is more like an oceanic bay. Here, too, the two types of pericardium meet and are located between the pulmonary veins.

What advantages does the Monash University anatomical dissection collection offer over plastic models or plastinated human specimens?

  • Each body replica has been carefully created from selected patient X-ray data or human cadaver specimens selected by a highly trained team of anatomists at the Monash University Center for Human Anatomy Education to illustrate a range of clinically important areas of anatomy with a quality and fidelity that cannot be achieved with conventional anatomical models-this is real anatomy, not stylized anatomy.
  • Each body replica has been rigorously checked by a team of highly trained anatomists at the Center for Human Anatomy Education, Monash University, to ensure the anatomical accuracy of the final product.
  • The body replicas are not real human tissue and therefore not subject to any barriers of transportation, import, or use in educational facilities that do not hold an anatomy license. The Monash 3D Anatomy dissection series avoids these and other ethical issues that are raised when dealing with plastinated human remains.
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