Neonatal resuscitation simulator with ECG Charlie EZBA97
The best neonatal simulator for resuscitation
Neonatal Resuscitation Simulator with ECG Charlie EZBA97
The Charlie neonatal resuscitation simulator is designed to meet all the specifications of the Neonatal Resuscitation Program that emerged in the seventh edition of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Charlie, a newborn simulator, seven different specifications.
C: Cardiac compression
H: Measurable temperature
A: Umbilical airway and arterial access.
R: Resuscitation
L: Laryngeal mask capable of using oxygen or PPV
I: Intravenous, intraosseous injections and Intubation
Neonatal resuscitation training simulator features:
- Airway, breathing, intubation and ventilation
- Birth abnormalities
- Chest tube placement
- ECG simulation
- Gastrointestinal tube
- Interchangeable genitalia
- Intraosseous infusion
- Intravenous hand and foot injection
- Observation and measurement
- 7 palpable points for heart pulse detection
- Patented umbilicus with venous and arterial access
- PICC site in the arm
- Urinary catheterization
The neonatal resuscitation training simulator comes with the following accessories
- 2 Airways, standard and advanced
- Baby powder
- Bilateral chest
- Artificial blood
- Carrying bag
- Defibrillation unit
- Bone and skin
- Myelomeningocele
- Needles
- Omphalocele
- Umbilicus
- English-language instruction manual
Neonatal manikin can also be used for defibrillator resuscitation training.
The Neonatal Resuscitation Simulator can also be used with defibrillator, either real or training defibrillator.
It is possible to connect the simulator to the defibrillator pads, and deliver the discharge, the sensors the simulator is equipped with allow ECG rhythms to be observed via the PADS connector.
The conversion function allows selection of a different rhythm to be performed immediately after the defibrillator discharge:
- Pacing can to be performed on any defibrillator from any manufacturer
- Battery saving function automatically shuts down simulator when not in use
- 6 waveforms
- 17 adult/pediatric rhythms